Tag Archives: Crowke

Crowke Update 2

Finally managed to dig some spare time, though the list of emails I need to send is getting longer. Work is hard.

So this is a screen grab, rather than a HD export, but work with what we got, eh?

Screen Shot 2016-04-07 at 14.10.13

There are 4 main additions since the previous update.

  1. The North
  2. The East
  3. The Centre
  4. The Roads

Up north I’ve created a really simple grid layout, it’s surrounding the castle and so it couldn’t be slummy, as well as already having two areas of slum, I wanted to make the city have an appealing area. These houses would be comfortable for a large family though in the North East it’s packed tighter, they are still large enough for a small household of 2 or 3 people. The weird shape just to the lower right of the castle is the Main Market, it made sence to keep it near the warehouses and I quite liked the strange but large space it has.

In the East we have large buildings, which is warehouses – meat, fruit, fish, wines, etc. There will be a few big warehouses for Wood, metal and Stone down South (Get to that in a minute). The smaller buildings in the east are small-medium houses, though only a small amount.

Moving West, we have the Government building, it is enormous in size and it’s built and decorated with expensive metals and stones. It has certain living areas for the highest ranked citizens and their slaves, but it is mostly empty other than for meetings. I wanted to make it seem big. The city, Crowke, is important to an -as of yet unnamed- city, and it’s a huge multicultural society. It is based at the edge of the Kingdom and at any given point there is 80’000 people living here, with thousands more passing through or temporarily staying for trade. Adding to my to-do list for it, I also want to make small town or villages nearby. I will probably skip drawing in the buildings for a while now as I want to move on to other things before my interest wanes.
